Продукти за gmg съдба 2 (18)

Pfizer Genotropin 36iu

Pfizer Genotropin 36iu

Genotropin 12mg / 36iu HGH by Pfizer. Human Growth Hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, the primary form consisting of 191 amino acid chain. HGH is largely responsible for the growth of our bones, organs and other tissue. When Human Growth Hormone is injected, the growth process gets a huge boost. As we age, HGH is responsible for our muscle retention, the functioning of our immune system, a fast metabolism and our health as we age. In addition, our bone structure, our tendons improve and it heals / restores our connective tissue faster.


guaranatu®: Das neue Power-Guarana. http://www.guaranatu.de/ guaranatu® ist ein neu entwickelter koffeinhaltiger Extrakt der Guarana Pflanze, hergestellt in einem hochwertigen Extraktionsprozess – ein natürliches Herstellungsverfahren, das durch den ausschließlichen Einsatz von Nanowasser ein besonders reines und hochwertiges Produkt garantiert Natürlicher Koffeingehalt: bis zu 25 % Wasserlöslichkeit: 100 %
Mencaps® Таблетка с филм от тиква 152 mg - Семена от Cucurbita

Mencaps® Таблетка с филм от тиква 152 mg - Семена от Cucurbita

Traditional herbal medicinal product for the relief of lowerurinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia or related to a overactive bladder after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor.
KN95 маска

KN95 маска

KN95 Mask
Затваряне на терапевтични пропуски

Затваряне на терапевтични пропуски

Not all drugs are registered and available in every country in every form, strength, and dosage. We help you to close therapeutic gaps in terms of dosage and dosage form.
Износ на полски стоки за Украйна. - Икономическо сътрудничество Полша-Украйна

Износ на полски стоки за Украйна. - Икономическо сътрудничество Полша-Украйна

co oferujemy: - dowiemy się, jaki jest popyt na twój produkt na Ukrainie - oceny głównych konkurentów - damy wskazówki dotyczące promocji produktów - pomożemy w prawnym i księgowym towarzystwie - stworzymy reklama firmy, która przyciągnie maksymalnie klientów Również możemy znaleźć dostawcą produktów na Ukrainie, z najlepszymi warunkami * Zdobyć rozpoznawalność i zwiększyć prestiż Twojej marki na terenie całej rynku ukraińskim * Chcesz sprzedawać swoje produkty lub usługi na Ukrainie? Pomożemy! w eksportowaniu towarów na Ukrainę * Mamy dobre kontakty z firmą na Ukrainie. Dołącz do nas Zapoznaj się z nasza oferta już i staniemy się dystrybutorem marki dziś . Zapewniamy atrakcyjne warunki handlowe oraz przejrzyste i proste zasady. Wsparcie na każdym etapie współpracy, od marketingu do obsługi posprzedażowej.
Ацетил КоА тринацион - Фини Химикали

Ацетил КоА тринацион - Фини Химикали

Acetyl-CoA is an essential cofactor and carrier of acyl groups in enzymatic reactions. It is formed either through the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, through ß-oxidation of fatty acids or through the oxidative degradation of certain amino acids. It is an intermediate in fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. It is the starter for the citric acid cycle. It is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. CAS Nr:[102029-73-2] Code:1670
Gaggenau - GAGGENAU Разликата има име

Gaggenau - GAGGENAU Разликата има име

Design come arte applicata alla tecnologia La creazione di un elettrodomestico inizia dall’idea della sua funzione. Il design deve contribuire a garantire prestazioni eccezionali, senza incertezze. La visione del progettista deve non solo agevolare questa funzione, ma anche saper ispirare. Può sfidare la tecnologia, può innovare, ma ha il compito soprattutto di assicurare benefici reali all’utente attento al design. È questo il nucleo di un’opera d’arte funzionale. Plasmare il metallo per uno scopo Dall’attento taglio al laser alla faticosa lucidatura manuale, c’è sempre un obiettivo preciso dietro tutte le ore che investiamo nel lavoro di produzione: che per noi significa, la realizzazione di un prodotto con un’anima. Il nostro film “Made in Lipsheim” si concentra su questo argomento e illustra lo sviluppo dei piani di cottura Vario serie 400. Artigiani digitali Dedichiamo la massima cura alla lavorazione artigianale, oggi come 300 anni fa. Con rispetto per la tradizione
Хидрохинон - Cas номер: 123-31-9

Хидрохинон - Cas номер: 123-31-9

Hydroquinone is produced as an inhibitor, an antioxidant, and an intermediate in the synthesis of dyes, motor fuels, and oils; in photographic processing; and naturally in certain plant species, Hydroquinone is a phenol derivative with antioxidant properties that can cause toxicity in several organs, notably the kidney. Used as a topical treatment for skin hyperpigmentation and in various cosmetic products, it is metabolized mainly to glutathione conjugates and forms mutagenic DNA adducts in in-vitro systems. (NCI04)
Мащерка® Леденца с Примула - Thymus vulgaris Primula eliator

Мащерка® Леденца с Примула - Thymus vulgaris Primula eliator

Traditional herbal medicinal product used as an expectorant in cough associated with cold
Mencaps® Urtica Капсула 240 mg - Urtica dioica Urtica urens

Mencaps® Urtica Капсула 240 mg - Urtica dioica Urtica urens

Traditional herbal medicinal product for the relief of lowerurinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor. The product is a tradtional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusivly based upon long-standing use
Солидого капсула 360 мг - Solidago virgaurea

Солидого капсула 360 мг - Solidago virgaurea

Traditional herbal medicinal product to increase the amount of urine to achieve flushing of the urinary tract a adjuvant in minor urinary complaints. The product is a traditional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusively based upon long-standing use
Spasmovent® Гранули от Артишок 600 mg - Cynarae scolymus

Spasmovent® Гранули от Артишок 600 mg - Cynarae scolymus

Traditional herbal medicinal product for the symptomatic relief of digestive disorders such as dyspepsia with a sensation of fullness, bloating and flatulence. The product is a traditional herbal medicinal product for use in the specified indication exclusively based upon long- standing use.
Хиперикум филмова таблетка 900 мг - Hypericum perforatum

Хиперикум филмова таблетка 900 мг - Hypericum perforatum

Herbal medicinal product for the symptomatic treatment of mild depressive episodes
Омепразол Крем - Омепразол

Омепразол Крем - Омепразол

Allergic Dermatitis, Neurodermitis,
Spasmovent® Куркума Гранулат - корен на Curcuma xanthoriza

Spasmovent® Куркума Гранулат - корен на Curcuma xanthoriza

Tradititinal herbal medicinal product used for symptomatic treatment of digestive disturbances, such as feelings of fullness, slow digestion and flatulence